四月一日波德申~1st April 2012 Port Dickson

On 1st April there was a fellowship trip to Port DicksonNegeri Sembilan.
The purpose of the trip was to maintain and build the relationship among members for better understanding.
Many kids with their parents participated in the fellowship trip as well.
For youth/young teenagers, it may seem to be a boring trip but in the eyes of a child, it is a fun trip where they can play.
Now, let the pictures explain the activity of the day.
First of all,
Members were requested to line up and divide into 2 groups.
Our big sister is running towards the sea to get sea water and fill the bottle. (Winner will go to the group which can fill their bottle within the shortest time.)

This part requires the spirit of teamwork.
This is the challenge part, where members are required to jump/ walk with a balloon and pass it to the next member.(Winner will go to the group which can complete in the shortest time.)

The members compete to get points for their group by being the first to blow their balloon till it explodes.

The responsible mothers looking after of their belongings and food. The elder members chatting and resting.
A happy family sharing their food among themselves.

最后,回家前, 来个大合照吧!
Finally, a nice group photo, from youngest to the eldest was taken before heading home.