教员工作营~Teachers Workshop 2012

Teachers Workshop was held on the 11th April 2012 (Wednesday) where all the teachers gather to improve Religious Education Unit (REU) by sharing their teaching methods, delivering the moral values at the end of class and encouraging the children to attend REU every Sunday.  

This is because it is important to tell children about the existence of our Lord Jesus Christ and the great love to walk on the spiritual path. Not only that, it is also vital to teach children moral values, so they will not repeat the same mistakes of the people of Israel or anyone from the Bible. Children should build their foundation from young, to know more about the words of God. Hence, this is the issue our True Jesus Church is really concerned about, especially in these modern-technology era.

There were 40 teachers who attended the workshop on 11th April 2012. The Teachers Workshop started with a prayer and a brief introduction. Then, it was followed by a Discussion of the Children Class Syllabus. Teachers were active to share their points of view on the goals and learning outcome that they should achieve in their respective classes.

There was a lunch break after 2 hours discussion. After lunch, the teachers were segregated to their respective segments to discuss on their class syllabus. This is to streamline the Chinese and English Syllabus and to improve the current syllabuses. It is planned to start a new 3-years syllabus after the completion of the current syllabus.

Thanks to God, the Teachers Workshop went smoothly and ended at 2.30 p.m.