圣经研讨会简报~Report of Bible Study Seminar 2012


                        238            吉隆坡
                        13              麻坡
                        6                怡保
                        4                丹戎马琳
                        2                新加坡
                        7                依约
                        19              亲情朋友/ 慕道者

圣餐 :             280位信徒领受圣餐
受洗 :             1位兄弟(于201291日,星期六)

The Bible Study Seminar was held from the 31 August to 2 September 2012, Friday to Sunday. The total number of participants during the days meeting was 289 members which consist of:

                        238                 Kuala Lumpur
                        13                    Muar
                        6                      Ipoh
                        4                      Tanjung Malim
                        2                      Singapore
                        7                      Ijok
                        19                    Guests/ Truth Seekers/ Relatives

Holy Communion:                280 believers partook the sacrament
Baptism:                                1 brother (baptised on 1 September 2012, Saturday)