青年灵修及布道会简报~Report of Annual Youth Spiritual Nurture cum Evangelical Meeting 2013

235  吉隆坡
10   麻坡
1    古莱
6    怡保
5    丹戎马琳
7    依约
8    沙巴
3    澳洲
2    新加坡
29   慕道者和亲戚朋友
圣餐:    262位信徒领受圣餐
受洗:    1位兄弟(于201361日,星期六)

The 2013 Annual Youth Spiritual Nurture cum Evangelical Meeting was held from 31 May to 2 June 2013, Friday to Sunday. Total number of participants was 306, made up as follows:
235      Kuala Lumpur
10        Muar
1          Kulai
6          Ipoh
5          Tanjung Malim
7          Ijok
8          Sabah
3          Australia
2          Singapore
29        Truth seekers/ relatives/ guests
Holy Communion: 262 partakers 
Baptized: 1 brother (1 June 2013, Saturday)

唱诗班Choir Group