吉隆坡 220
麻坡 8
古莱 3
怡保 9
新加坡 2
依约 1
沙巴 4
澳洲 3
台湾 1
亲属 17
慕道者 8
圣餐: 241位信徒领受圣餐
The Annual Spiritual Nurture cum Evangelical Meeting was held from June 2 – 4, 2017, Friday to Sunday. The total number of participants is 276 members, made up of:
Kuala Lumpur 220
Muar 8
Kulai 3
Ipoh 9
Singapore 2
Ijok 1
Sabah 4
Australia 3
Taiwan 1
Non baptism relatives 18
Truth seekers and guests 8
Holy Communion: 241 believers partook the sacrament